
Presseillustrationen zu verschiedenen Themen: Gesellschaft, Kultur, Psychologie, Gesundheit und mehr…

Pig gorging himself from a full supermarket trolley - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a man in rags hiding behind the fake figure of a dashing officer - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a man sleeping on the ground surrounded by houses - line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a talking woman with a long Pinocchio nose - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Pseudologie – zwanghaftes Lügen

Swan staring into water, seeing his reflection as a pelican - humorous line drawing illustration by Michel Streich

Verzerrtes Selbstbild

Line drawing illustration of a girl in the top of an hourglass slowly dribbling into the bottom of the hourglass - by Michel Streich


Illustration of a man with spurs and horse's reins, controlling a bigger version of himself - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of two chameleons in clothes facing each other - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a man whose shadow forms a dangerous looking black dog - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Affektstörungen bei Männern

Illustration of a woman walking away from a smashed snow dome - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Ein zerrüttetes Zuhause verlassen

Illustration of an uprooted shrub in the shape of a woman - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Entwurzelt – Umzug in ein neues Land

Illustration of a man clinging painfully to a man's neck, strangling him - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Wenn Anhänglichkeit zum Problem wird

Illustration of a woman sitting by a gravestone, both the grave and the woman are overgrown by ivy - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Langanhaltende Trauer

Illustration of a peacock with the upper body of a man - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a man with dark clouds over his head, looking at a folded umbrella - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Depression überwinden

Illustration of a woman confused by many giant hands pointing in different directons - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Ein Wirrwar von Ratschlägen

Illustration of a man with flames coming out of his head and a cooking pot on top, regulating flames with a dial - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Wut kontrollieren

Illustration of a young man standing under a rain cloud, out of which a rainbow emerges - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Schwierigkeiten beim “Coming out”

Illustration of a massive CCTV camera filming a man using his laptop - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Überwachung im Internet

Illustration of a "female" symbol in the shape of a world globe - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Weltweite Gleichstellung der Geschlechter

Illustration of a spotlight lighting up an empty chair and microphone on an stage - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Fehlende Fördermittel für darstellende Künste