Illustrationen: Wirtschaft

Illustrationen zu den Themen Geld, Wirtschaft und Finanzen

Illustration of a man standing in front of a house whose entrance is so high he cannot reach it - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Schwieriger Einstieg in den Immobilienmarkt

Illustration of a businessman stacking small houses into a tower - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Ein Grundstück mit Einzelhaus in einen Wohnblock verwandeln

Illustration of an axe chapping into a stack of documents - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Verwaltungsarbeit vereinfachen

Illustration of Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty and a giant eagle grumpily carrying a dollar coin - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Die Lagerung unnützer US-Dollar-Münzen

Illustration of a tiny Robin Hood threatening very large people in business suits with his bow and arrow - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Mikrobesteuerung von Finanztransaktionen

Illustration of money, graphs, charts and documents jumping out of a laptop in front of a woamn in a business suit - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

“Investment platform”

Illustration of a couple in business suits on two sides of the world globe, engaged in a tug-of-war - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Scheidung ist oft kompliziert für wohlhabende internationale Ehepaare

Illustration of a family flying in a paperplane folded out of bank notes - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Investmentmöglichkeiten in Übersee

Illustration of angry people with signs on top of a giant house key - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Hauskäufer auf den Barrikaden

Illustration of a man with an umbrella, struggling in a storm of paperwork - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a man entering a maze with a stack of cash on the inside - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Komplexe Investitionsprojekte

Illustration of a surfer with the Bitcoin logo as a surfboard, riding a wild wave - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

In BitCoin investieren – eine wilde Fahrt

Illustrationsecret service agent hiding behind a bid smiley emoticon - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Soziale Medien – Spionage hinter einer freundlichen Fassade

Illustration tennis referee at match with the tennis ball in the shape of a house - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Immobilienauktionen als Zuschauersport

Illustration businessman with brain and heart visible - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Geschäftliche Entscheidungen fällen– Herz oder Hirn?

Illustration squirrel in a busines suit collecting acorns - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of a businessman with megaphone, out of which a "No U-Turn" sign emerges - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Den Kurs beibehalten

Illustration of a miner holding bird cage with a dead canary - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

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