Illustrationen: Welt

Zeichnungen rund um den Globus

Illustration of a sman unplugging neon signs in a Hong Kong street - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Hong Kong schafft seine Neonschilder ab

Illustration of a Babylonian Lamassu statue wearing a hardhat with miner's lamp - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Babylonische Altertümer in IS-Tunneln im Irak

Smiling man with sungalasses wearing an Indian turban and an English bowler hat - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Hinglish – eine Mischung von Hindi and Englisch

Illustration of a c Chinese lady carrying the character Ying as a burden - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Chinesische Namen, die auf keinemComputer geschrieben werden können

Illustration of a smartphone, using a thimbs up "like" icon to hitchhike - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Liebe auf sozialen Medien als Weg ins Ausland

Illustration of a Russian matryoshka doll, with a policeman as the outside doll and artists insidematryoshka doll,

Trotz strenger Kontrolle ist die Moskauer Kunstszene lebhaft

Illustration of cricket bat and ball next to a NY Yankees baseball cap - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Cricket in Amerika

Illustration of a man in traditional Bavarian outfit, wearing a clown nose - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Teutonischer Humor

Illustration of a robot striding along, with a man looking out the top - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich


Illustration of peaople stuffed into little glass jars and plastic containers - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Hexerei in Cuba (einfach den Namen des Feindes in einem kleinen Behälter im Gefrierfach aufbewahren)

Illustration of a smartphone with a cat on the screen; tha cat's face is a QR code - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Chinas Regierung benutzt niedliche Symbole auf WeChat

Illustration of a tattooed handyman with tools emerging from a toolbox, a rose bewteen his teeth - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Ehemann zum Mieten (beliebt in Brasilien)

Illustration of a jockey trying to whip a hippo to run - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Die arroganten Erwartungen europäischer Auswanderer in Afrika

Illustration of a man popping pills in the shapes of flying pigs - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Unseriöse Wunderheilmittel in Uganda

Illustration of holding hands with Scandinavian mittens - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Das dänische Konzept ‘hygge’

Illustration of a city which opens with a zip for a motorcade - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Wunderbar funktionierende Konvois in den USA

Illustration of Napoleon riding the skeleton of his horse Marengo - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Das Skelett von Napoleons Pferd Marengo

Cars with headlights - illustration by Michel Streich

Gefährliches Autofahren bei Nacht in Kenia

Illustration of a cup of coffee with a peace sign as coffee art - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

Die Friedensorganisation ICAN begann in einem Café in Melbourne

Illustration a WiFi symbol made out of a map of Africa - humorous line drawing by Michel Streich

WLAN-Zugang in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo